Customer Reviews for Dream Theater
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April 4, 2019
Awesome - my first Dream Theater concert. They did not disappoint. What caliber of musicians. Can’t wait to hear more.
Dream Theater show at Toyota Music Factory in Irving Dec. 2
Best show of the year. The band, the professionals they are, were flawless. Every musician in the band is a master of their instrument from odd timing to complex harmonies buried in buoyant melody. Images and Words album was played and sounded just as good as 25 years ago. Looking forward to their next album which was announced for the year 2018. No wonder they have a loyal following... Rock on....
One word - unicorns!
2.5 out of 3's not bad
First off, highly entertaining night in all. Started with jaw dropping Animals as Leaders taking my breathe away with instrumental skill beyond most bands capabilities and tasty head banging moments between mind altering prog glory! Then Devin Townsend takes the stage with a voice with a built in distortion pedal and vocal range to die for. Unique is the word and incredibly fun to enjoy. Then the main event, Dream Theater. Now I have seen them once before and was amazed, stunned and enthralled with the walls of sound, the incomparable talents and musicianship. And...that's what I got with this show with exception of the vocals. James LaBrie is accomplished with many years behind him of astonishing performance. Unfortunately if he doesn't make some changes soon, behind him is where his reputation is going to stay. Pitch problems, engagement and at one moment almost felt like self pity from James took a toll on the show. I believe lower key changes might resolve this. Good luck sir.
Awesome performance. Sound mix needed improvement.
The musicians performed flawlessly! The sound definitely needed improvements though. Petrucci’s guitar cut through the mix very well but the cymbals were shrill and overbearing. Overall experience was great but the sound was definitely too loud.
Great Band! Sound suffered from mix.
We had a great evening. The band was spot on, but Mangini's kick overpowered and ruined the mix.